Sunday, July 10, 2011

He's Out Of My League.

So I am sitting home on this rainy Sunday night watching, She's Out Of My League (great movie) and I feel like everyone can relate to it. Everyone has that 'Great White Buffalo.'

Im the kind of girl that most people would consider outgoing, friendly, even at times flirtacious around the opposite sex. For the people that really know me, know I'm actually pretty shy around boys I am interested in. I get awkward, quiet, say weird things and for the life of me can not relax enough to be myself. So of course nothing ever progresses and I get put in the dreaded friend zone.

There has been one boy in the last year that really comes to mind when I think of this. From the first time I met him last summer I have had a ridiculously big crush on him. I think about him all the time, and have no idea why. I can probably count our conversations on one hand. We dont really have anything in common..not the same interests or anything that would normally start a crush. My friend Ali and I had a serious talk about him the other day and it keeps weighing heavy on mind. She asked me why I let him get to me and why I dont just let him know. After a minute or two of trying to think of why, I had no answer for her. Maybe its me being an average 20 year old girl that is completely enthralled in the chase. If I had that romantic ending on one of those chick flicks where I pour my heart out to him, he grabs my face..tells me he has always felt the same way about me, would I even really want it? If he really was interested, would I still be? No idea.

Why do girls like the boys that arent interested? Why dont we go after the ones that are always there.. the 'great guy friends.' I have some of the most amazing guy friends anyone could ask for. Some I consider really attractive, funny and a lot like me. So why oh why dont I turn my game on and try to start something with someone I know for a fact actually cares about me? Girls just love the challenge and dont understand why they are home alone on a Sunday night. Ridiculous.

i suck at blogging.

Catch up on the last few weeks.. Cambria, Lauren and I decided to leave the house that introduced me to two of my new best friends. Im so excited for the next year of my life with two of the greatest girls I have ever met. We are moving to about, 9th east and 5th south. A lot closer to downtown and the U, so its great for us. Our landlord is awesome, she even told us about how much taxi fair is for a ride home from most of the bars. We picked a winner. Im really nervous to move without my mommy/interior designer. For anyone that has seen my bedroom..Its adorable. I hope I can make my new room just as cute. I'll miss our firs house '3377' and all the memories..But I am sooo stoked to make 1 million more.

My 21st birthday is just around the corner. Lord, help my liver. I have been waiting for this for 21 years. YES. As a present to myself I bought a plane ticket to Phoenix. Im going to have a combined birthday/bachelorette party with my sister, Kailen. It is going to be a shit show and I can not wait. I miss Phoenix and all of the amazing friends I met there. 3 weeks til Im back. Holla. :)